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AMADEUS ARTISTS is launching the AMADEUS ARTISTS ACADEMY Online to support professional vocal training and identify the new opera talents though remote vocal training with our professional teachers, all of whom are internationally recognized opera singers.



Classes will be taught online with qualified AMADEUS ARTISTS with extensive professional and teaching experience.


At the AMADEUS ARTISTS ACADEMY Online the student will learn:

• The Basic Principles of the vocal instrument: breath, support, voice placement, correct intonation, register, diction, vocal agility, repertoire architecture, stage presence & acting.


• The Necessary Tools to overcome obstacles on the way to professional success: confidence & mental training, physical strength, tips for a good personal routine, networking & marketing.



AMADEUS ARTISTS will keep an eye on outstanding new talents for the Artist Roster and offer them the adequate vacancies for Opera Studios or Theaters. We aim to offer yearly scholarships for one or more outstanding students with the potential of an audition tour in European theaters.


Registration / Anmeldung

Fill in the registration below to apply for the academy/ Füllen Sie das Anmeldeformular aus, um sich bei der Akademie zu bewerben

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